The Biggest Lesson From My 1st Solo Art Show


In May 2024 I was invited to do a solo exhibition of my work in Atlanta, GA by a well-known artist collective in my city. I was overjoyed but there was a catch– I was given 5 days notice to get everything together. Even still, when I looked around my studio I knew that I could do it, and I also knew It was an opportunity I couldn't pass up.

For the months prior I had been creating nonstop, and I would tell myself that I needed to prepare as if I had a show coming up. I kept holding on to this vision of my first solo show in an open space, with awesome music and great vibes. However, I also knew that self-funded shows are pricey and I wanted it to be venue that was paid for and all I had to do was show up with my art 😇. And that's exactly what I got! The best part of it all was that I didn't have to pitch, inquire, or even search for this opportunity.



Call it law of attraction, manifesting, faith, whatever you want– but I am a firm believer that this opportunity found me because I was ready for it. I believe we should stay ready so we don't have to get ready. There is a teaching by the great visionary, author, and mystic, Neville Goddard. He instructs us to always "act as if" and to assume the best outcomes for our life and hold onto that regardless of what our external environment tells us.

It is through this internal faith that we are able to transform our outer realities in the best way possible. Our outside world reflects the beliefs we hold in our minds, so you have to believe that you are worthy of the opportunities you want and you have to prepare as if they are enroute to you.

If you have been working relentlessly on something and it feels like you aren't making any progress, I hope that the work I am doing with my company Alaere Lifestyle can serve as inspiration for you. Through my art, literature, and community engagement I am inspiring the young African women leaders, artists, and lovers that our New World needs. I am showing them what is possible when you adopt radical SELF-BELIEF.

This is a reminder to stay ready for the blessings that are on the way to you via your business, career, and professional endeavors.

Everything you desire, desires you too.


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