Prioritizing Menstrual Health at Work

I work in a fast-paced, male-dominated, and extremely cerebral industry. When I find myself on my period, battling fatigue and intense abdominal pain, I often feel like I’m fighting against a current when I need to take time to rest during the work day. The notion of even telling my manager that “I’m on my period so my energy is lower” would probably be deemed as inappropriate- and I wonder why. As we see public efforts to “smash the glass ceiling” or whatever phrase companies are employing these days, I wonder if corporations are actually creating safe atmospheres for women to come as their full selves–menstrual cycle and all.

If you’ve seen the viral TikToks you are probably privy to the shock that most men are experiencing as they find out that premenstrual symptoms, menstrual pain, and hormonal changes are gasp not just collective figments of our imagination!

One must realize, any internal cycle that naturally alters your progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen levels on a monthly basis will have a significant impact on your life. This impact, contrary to popular belief, does not have to be negative.

Despite navigating the ups and downs of ovarian health in my teenage years and early twenties, I have come to love my period. I remember overcompensating and prioritizing productivity in moments when my body was telling me (pretty intensely) to just be. I realized that, however subconsciously embedded this effort was, I was fighting against something that is natural to my body. This act of defiance against my internal flow was done in efforts to assimilate into, you guessed it, male dominated spaces. I was worried I would be seen as lazy, incompetent, hysterical, unreliable, and all the other adjectives we call women who are wise enough to honor their bodies with love, care, and patience in the face of societal disapproval.

Growing up in a traditional Nigerian household, my mother taught me and my sisters how to use natural methods to care for our bodies during our periods. She instilled a sentiment of respect and high regard when it came to our menstrual health and overall wellbeing. Many indigenous cultures in Africa, and across the globe, regard the menstrual cycle as sacred, and I believe that work-life balance for women in America would be more attainable if corporations and institutions adopted this belief as well. Periods are treated as a shameful, disgusting aspect of life in American culture, and I find it immensely reflective of how Western, patriarchal cultures dismiss anything that 1. honors feminine energy and 2. impedes the forces of capitalism from governing our lives.

How can women bring our authentic selves to work if we are hiding and fighting against one of the most important cycles that connects us to Earth?

When we shed what no longer serves us in such a regular basis, and in tandem with the ominous glow of the moon, it is no wonder that most men are scared to see menstruation in its full power. But here’s the thing: the experiences of women do not exist in order to be understood by the male gaze. We do not exist for capitalist consumption. Our bodies are sacred and we must not allow societal gaslighting to sequester our rituals of womanhood. The more we respect and affirm the most natural parts of ourselves, the higher we can ascend. My book, Force of Nature, refers to the woman body as pulsating fruit through which Earth’s sweet nectar flows. We must embrace that this is our truth– our shame and fear of doing so hinders the natural flow of Earth more than we realize.

I can personally say that my life changed for the better when I began tracking my menstrual cycle with the lunar cycle. Taking the time and care to understand my hormonal balances and the rhythm in which they fluctuate has revolutionized the way I move through the world– spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. How cool is it that I can look up at the sky and know whether I’m ovulating soon or if it’s time to stock up on some ginger tea for looming cramps. Before, I subconsciously treated my cycle as a foreign phenomenon that required a gynecologist’s translation. Now, I understand the mechanisms of this special aspect of my divine feminine power.

Being able to predict your energy levels based off of the science of your being is a power that not enough women tap into–especially those of us who primarily work in male-dominated spaces. Below, I’ve listed the practices I use to honor my menstrual cycle even while working in these environments. I refuse to let corporations led by men tell me how and when to allot my energy, when I know myself better than anyone else on this planet.

I am a woman, a physical embodiment of God consciousness and divine feminine power. I will always stand tall in that truth and all that comes with it. You, too, are a divine being who deserves to exist in celebration of all that you are–regardless of what men, or capitalist paradigms suggest.

Keep reading for some tips to honor your menstrual health in your day-to-day!

  1. Take time to understand your cycle, and track it.

    There are numerous apps that aid in this process. My favorite one to use is Stardust (the founder, Rachel Moranis, is a fellow Brown University alum ☺️). Stardust is completely free to use and tracks your estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone levels as well. This app is unique because it tracks your menstrual cycle in sync with the lunar cycle. I’ve experienced HUGE shifts in my spiritual understanding of menstruation simply by using this app on a daily basis. I highly recommend finding some mechanism to keep track of all aspects of your menstrual cycle.

  2. Plan your months in advance.

    Once you have started tracking your menstrual cycle regularly, you will begin to have a better understanding of how your energy ebbs and flows during the month. I now know that I am typically my most imaginative during ovulation, and my most reflective in the days leading up to my period. This information is valuable because I can plan intense work projects and meetings accordingly. There is no shame in scheduling rest in advance when you let the science of your womb guide you. This can heighten your productivity and even minimize conflicts. It is ok to plan around your period– in fact, I would go as far as saying it is extremely wise to do so!

  3. Learn what natural remedies suite your body.

    American society is over-medicated, every little scratch gets ibuprofen thrown at it. Yet, the art of using the Earth’s natural gifts to heal our ailments is as old as time. Ginger, cayenne pepper, and even hot water presses, are just a few natural remedies that ease menstrual pain (I’ll throw cannabis in there as well for the adults 😉). Take some time to research different remedies and try them out! I can’t remember the last time I swallowed a pill for pain, and my womb thanks me for it. Yoga, running, and walking are also natural methods to ease PMS discomfort. The Earth is our home and she loves us so much that she blesses us with gifts to fulfill every need. Don’t be afraid to embrace them.

  4. Respect your energetic boundaries.

    This is a big one. Do not take on 4 meetings, tight deadlines, and intense projects when you know your body is yelling at you to rest. Self-awareness begs us all to take inventory of our energetic capacities and to, then, act accordingly. There are times when you can take on the world like superwoman, and there are times when your bed is the safest place to be. Neither is wrong, but you must understand your energetic needs or else you will always find yourself running on empty and wondering why. It is not a crime to be still. It is not a crime to rest. The hustle isn’t worth it if you are fighting against your well-being.

  5. Love your menstrual cycle, she is here to help you.

    Last but certainly not least, I implore you to regard your menstrual cycle with love. The twisted brainwashing of Western, patriarchal religion has convinced many American women that they are unclean when menstruating. This is far from the truth, and a belief taught as a means of mental, emotional, and spiritual control. Our menstruation is beautiful. It is a unique time of rest, stillness, and heightened perception. I’ll go as far as saying it is magical, but only if you allow it to be. Our menstrual cycles ask us to pause, reflect, and move with intention in a world that operates on auto-pilot. This is powerful. Love your womb and honor your sacral chakra as a tender flower that deserves your utmost care and respect.. Through her, you birth new imaginings of who you are and all that you can become.

I hope that these tips can embolden you to proudly prioritize your menstrual health, even on your busiest days. Be sure to order a copy of Force of Nature if you are ready to step into your divine feminine power in all realms of your life!


Finding Freedom in Vulnerability


Living a Life of Purpose