How to Thrive as a Business-Minded Artist
In Episode 1 of The Alaere Academy Podcast, “How to Become a Business-Minded Artist,” I shared insights from my journey as an artist, author, and creative entrepreneur. Ultimately, successfully transforming your artistic pursuits into a lucrative business endeavor is not as hard as you think. It requires you to lean into innovation, adopt an abundance mindset, and create a scalable strategy that you can apply to your goals as an artist AND business owner.
Me at my first book signing event. I sold out all inventory on-site!
I highly recommend you listen to the first episode of The Alaere Academy Podcast if you’re ready to unite your creative expression with strategic business acumen for a life of financial freedom and holistic abundance.
By applying the advice I shared in this episode, I was able to translate 8+ years of corporate marketing and public relations experience into a successful wholesale strategy for my book, ultimately getting Force of Nature into bookstores across the United States, Europe, and Asia/Oceania. This subsequently gave me the confidence to launch my art business and create fruitful creative business partnerships with purpose-driven organizations that align with my values. I’m still in the early stages of being an artistic business owner, but I'm optimistic about what will blossom from the solid foundation I’ve laid out for myself.
There’s a shortage of easily accessible advice out there for young women who wish to use their divine gifts to create a business rooted in passion and social impact. I’ve had to overcome self-doubt, navigate trial and error, and read A LOT of books to finally hit that sweet spot where my dreams and business aspirations can intersect. And I am writing from the other side to let you know that, while it may not happen overnight, it is possible to thrive as a business-minded artist. It is possible to get rid of “Sunday scaries” and imposter syndrome. Most importantly, it is attainable for you to earn money and career advancement from an entrepreneurial approach tailored with confidence, creativity, and market research.
Babe, it is time to reimagine the concept of the "starving artist.” In fact, let it go all together.
Embrace the notion that creativity and profitability can coexist in your life. Imagine channeling your artistic energy towards creations that resonate profoundly with your target audience. The result? Art that thrives and a bank account that flourishes. So, bid adieu to limiting beliefs and, instead, embody the essence of abundance. Picture yourself crafting work that captivates the hearts of many while also generating substantial rewards. As a business-minded artist, claiming prosperity as your birthright is paramount. You're not confined by norms, you're redefining them.
If you really want to tell yourself a new “money story,” check out the book Money Locates You by Joan Ekobena. Reading that book rewired the part of my brain that still couldn’t fully grasp what I’ve laid out for you here and in Episode 1 of The Alaere Academy Podcast. And it reaffirmed what I’ve come to know– business is spiritual too (but that’s a conversation for another blog post).